School Site Council
Overview and Responsibilities
The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making group that provides oversight on matters dealing with Federal and State funded programs. School Site Councils provide oversight of the academic planning and budgeting process associated with the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) in order to meet the needs of all students. SSCs provide meaningful consultation with the principal to oversee the implementation, monitoring, and revision of the SPSA, including reviewing and analyzing data; consulting with advisory groups; evaluating programs and activities; and allocating the expenditure of funds available to the school through categorical programs. The SSC is required at all schools in LAUSD.
SSC Year at a Glance
SSC Orientation Slideshow
SSC Agenda
SSC Meeting Minutes
SSC Members
Parent Members:
1. Wendy Holt, Chairperson
2. Jennifer Williams, Vice-Chairperson
3. Adrian Bravo, Parliamentarian
4. JoeAnne Nguyen
5. Adriana Ramirez
School Staff Members:
1. Marisa Harrod, Principal
2. Crystal del Razo, Secretary
3. Brenda Magallanes
4. Sherrie Dunbridge-Ryan
5. Jordan Rojas