English Learner Advisory Committee
Overview and Purpose
The purpose of ELAC is to provide parents of English Learners opportunities to:
- Learn more about programs offered to their students
- Advise the principal and school staff on the most positive and effective actions to improve learning of English Learners
- Advise the school principal and staff on the development of the School Plan
- Review the Language Census each spring
- Send information to D.E.L.A.C. (District English Learner Advisory Committee)
ELAC Agenda
ELAC Meeting Minutes
ELAC Orientation Slideshow
Family Informational Workshop Virtual Meetings - State Seal Of Biliteracy & Pathway Awards
ELAC Members
Parent Members:
- Wakana Irie, Chairperson
- Yuli Ponce, Vice Chairperson
- Anael Hernandez, Secretary
- Kevin Wong, Parliamentarian
- Silvia Brant
Staff Members:
- Marisa Harrod, Principal
- Elaine Visorde, Instructional Coach
- Melisa Cohen, TSP Advisor
- Janeth Arrendondo, Community Representative/ Translator