Vision & Mission
Our STEAM Vision and Mission
Our Full Inclusion Program
The vision of Lomita STEAM Magnet is to provide an inclusive, collaborative, and socially-emotionally appropriate academic experience for students with learning disabilities in grades Kindergarten through fifth. Our students will be prepared to work as a cooperative team with their peers to further their education and training in all academic areas.
Our Literacy Vision and Mission
We create an inclusive, equitable literacy rich environment where all students become lifelong readers and writers engaged in relevant, meaningful content to develop critical thinking skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Here at Lomita STEAM Magnet, our purpose is to provide high quality literacy instruction using research-based methods. We use current and innovative teaching practices daily, combining Science of Reading research with Balanced Literacy approaches to teach the complex work of literacy. To ensure student achievement and college and career readiness, we use multiple measures of assessment to monitor student progress and drive instruction. Our students will grow a love and appreciation for literacy, empowering them to share their own stories with the world.